New tools for artists released this month on Kicky

We've been adding lots of new tools to the website with the singular focus of helping artists succeed in their business. Here are just a few that have been released recently that we thought were worth featuring.

We are improving the website every day, and your feedback makes this possible! Please try these out and let us know what you wish we'd build or change.

The BIG and boring update: Stripe!

Brenton is extremely exited about this one. We have moved our payment processing system from a manual ACH payment system to Stripe. What this means is that after you set up a Stripe "seller account" for Kicky, you'll be paid automatically at the end of each month. This is a significantly smoother and friendlier experience for everybody, and Brenton says you should be as excited about it as he is.

Connect Your Stripe Account

Build a following with Kicky subscribers

Art lovers browsing the Kicky website and admiring your work now have the option to subscribe to you for updates. What kind of updates? Automatic updates! And manual ones! Subscribers will automatically get an email:

  • Whenever you list a new work of art
  • Whenever a work of art which was hosted becomes available again

You can also send an email update whenever you want, for example if you have an upcoming show or if you want to send out a discount. Check out the tool by clicking "Manage Subscribers" in your menu or with the button below. We're continually updating so this feature should get better and better with time.

View Subscribers Feature

Kicky messaging

Patrons can now send you messages directly through the Kicky website. This means you don't have to expose your email address publicly on the internet (not good--that's how spammers find you!).

Now if a patron wants to commission something, they can reach out directly. You can send messages to any artist by visiting their profile or artwork page, and when you have a message in your inbox, you'll see a new "Messages" link in your Kicky menu.

Cleaner and easier page to manage artwork

We've cleaned up the manage artwork page to make it easier to see what's happening and move art between states.

You can also archive your art to keep things organized!

View Manage Artwork Page

Art dimensions preview

24" x 36" ... which one of those is the height? Does width come first? Or was that height? No more confusion on this topic, we show a nice little preview to make sure you got your dimensions in there correctly.

Quick tools

Don't forget to check out the quick tools page, where you'll find a tool to help you find a good price for your art, a trustworthy QR code generator, a tool to invite a friend to Kicky, and more to come!

View Quick Tools

New features are going out every week, sometimes every day. Don't hesitate to let us know if you have ideas for ways to improve the site even more. We want to give you all the tools you need to succeed in one single place.

It's really me, Brenton, and I'm here to help! I really did write this post!


Co-founder, Kicky, Inc.

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